Welcome to the original Shops!

Shops have been a feature on Neopets from the very beginning. Originally there were only the shops you see on the map above and they restocked only a couple of times an hour, with far fewer items than they stock now.

Players mostly had to rely on each other's shops and due to the Shop Wizard's early technical restrictions, you often were forced to scroll through the marketplace! Shop descriptions were a fierce coding battleground, each player hoping to attract more business by adding more marquees, more adoptable pets, more visitor counters! The best of luck was wished to anyone still on a 28k connection.

Originally a competition was held to create shopkeeper designs for user shops. They have changed quite a bit from the original just like the pets. There were a lot of humans and humanoid types which have all gone by the wayside now. View more here!

Click below to view all of the original items from back in the day. Books Cards Clothing Food Gifts Grooming Magic Special Toys